We know, we know…we’ve heard it a thousand times. It’s something you’ve been thinking about doing, something you’ve been meaning to get done because you know it’s important. But you got busy with work, kids, grand-kids, retirement, traveling, and living life.
Well, life happens and it may not happen the way you want or on your schedule. One thing that COVID-19 has shown us is that we can't
control everything in our lives, but we can help you prepare now.
Our overarching goal is to ensure our clients find a way to preserve and protect the legacy they wish to leave behind to their chosen heirs, whether that includes their loved ones or their beloved charities.
We will sit with you to discuss any questions you may have about the preparation of your Trust, Will, Living Will, Health Care Surrogate, Durable Power of Attorney, Special Needs Trust, Pet Trusts, and other legally binding documents before that life altering event happens to ensure you stay in control and your wishes are followed. If you can’t come to us, we will come to you. During the coronavirus, we are videoconferencing, or telephone conferencing to ensure our clients and staff are safe. We can securely share your documents with you so you never have to leave your home to review them.
It’s true, not all families take the time to develop their own estate plans. But every family does, in fact, have an estate plan.
How is this possible?
Because, if you don’t create an estate plan, the IRS and the state of Florida will simply make one for you.
They, not you, will determine how your assets are distributed after you are gone. And, your heirs may suffer painful financial consequences.
This is why opting for an estate plan of your own is one of the most important financial decisions you will ever make.
And, it is why it is in your best interest to have Arna Cortazzo, an attorney who focuses on estate planning create yours.
We strive every day to provide our estate clients with the tailored services they need and deserve. With more than 25 years of experience, we are available to help with any variety of trusts that meet the needs of our clients, from families just starting to seniors who want to ensure their loved ones are not faced with the expense and stress of probate.
Let’s talk about what is best for you.
Whether you need a will drafted, a trust funded or advanced health care directives decided, we can help. Turn to our experienced legal team today for personal, prompt and professional service. Call us at (321) 690-2363, email us at advocates@cortazzolaw.com or fill out our contact information below to schedule your free office or phone consultation today. We are here to help our neighbors on the Space Coast, in Viera, Suntree, Melbourne, Rockledge, Palm Bay and the beaches of Brevard County.